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Sally Anderson

Driving health and wellbeing culture through proactive programs, education, industry development, consultancy and global project development.

Movement health and wellbeing expert.

Current AUSactive Board Member.


Entrepreneur, leading industry strategist and movement health pioneer, Sally Anderson is a dedicated and accomplished health and wellbeing professionals. 


Sally’s lengthy career in movement has led her to become one of Australasia’s foremost Pilates and movement experts. A well-known leader in her field she established the first-ever government accredited Pilates courses, setting the benchmark for the Australasian industry,  and leading a world-first articulation to Bachelor health science degrees in 2013.


Currently on the board of directors for AUSactive, Sally was also founding president of the PAA (now Pilates Association Australia) where she was instrumental in leading industry development for ten years before stepping down.


She has consulted extensively and held governance and advocacy roles for the Pilates Method Alliance  and NPCP (US), and led the licensing of government accredited qualifications to TAFE Colleges and private RTO’s.

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As a content specialist Sally is a regular presenter for Pilates Anytime global platform and has written for numerous publications, including Pilates Style magazine and for two years as Pilates Expert for body+soul Sunday Telegraph publication.


As founder and CEO of Reach Movement Health, Sally’s mission is to bring better health to all our communities through deep engagement with our movement health practitioners and modern health applications. A knowledge centre designed to educate and empower experienced movement practitioners, Sally and Reach, also aspire to help raise the quality and professionalism of Pilates and movement industries by keeping pace with the most cutting-edge,

evidence-based research and delivery, and

professional practices.


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